Sunday, April 30

A glimpse of the future

I met a man at my first Beltane celebration who was introduced to me as a clairvoyant, and from all accounts an extremely accurate one. After listening to a conversation I was having with another girl there about how many deja vu dreams we have, even though we don't remember them until they happen, he told us both that by the time we were in our forties, we would be reading people. I've always had a desire to study Tarot, but lack the self-confidence to try. He said that practice was not the important thing; it is trust in your ability. I wonder.


Unknown said...

Well, I agree with the sentiment. "trust in your ability."

Although I'm leery of guys at pagan celebrations. So many are just out to get laid. Or see the naked girls.

Gods that sounds jaded.

I always said that you were insightful. Tarot was cool, but exhausting when I did it. Being right could majorly suck at times.

Oh, can you get me the lottery numbers for tomorrow night?


Heather said...

Trust me, this guy was DEFINITELY not there to get laid...or if he was, he was going about it completely the wrong way...but he did have the craziest totem pole :) Seriously, he was one of the strangest guys I've ever seen, and the vibe he gave off can only be described as unsettling, although not necessarily in a bad way. All in all, I think what happened was valid, and I'll have the next twenty years to figure it out!

Jimmy said...

I've had dreams that continue where they left off last night or even longer ago. My dream existence is a very fascinating one. I should study it closer.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I used to have that. Serial dreams.
I used to do Tarot. It was exhausting. Now I just resort to foot in mouth expressions of intuition.

Heather said...

I keep a dream journal, but most of the time I can't remember enough to write down when I wake up. Every time I have a continuation of a dream, though, my dream self says to herself, "hey, I've been here before..."

It's a very strange feeling.

Jimmy said...

Another recurring dream pattern I have is this: For example, I'm going to the store. I'll be endlessly distracted and never get to the store. It will be a series of the most mundane and pointless distractions, and I never get anywhere. I always wake up very agitated from those dreams.