Monday, May 8

Guess what happened to me...

Say hello to the new college student!

Last week, I was accepted into New River Community College in Dublin, VA. Today, I registered for classes. I'm taking US History, Pre-Calc, General Biology, and Chemistry. I haven't been to school in 6 years, so taking refresher courses (I took Calc and Advanced Bio in high school) seemed prudent. Since I registered before all the high schools let out, I managed to get a SWEET schedule! Get this: Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have classes from 9:05 until 2:20. Three classes, with an hour between each one. Tuesday and Thursday I have one class from 9:30 until 10:50, and each day a lab from 11:15 to 2:15. Chem on Tuesday, Bio on Thursday. I'll be home by 3, so a part-time night job is a distinct possibility. We move back to VA at the end of July, and classes don't start until 23 August, so I'll have plenty of time to check out the campus, hang out in town, hike, camp, visit friends and family, and generally settle down before I have to start studying. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! I've been looking forward to this for almost two years. Plus, if I can get straight A's, I may be able to transfer to VT in the spring, instead of having to wait until next fall. I don't know what I did to get such good karma, but whatever it was, I hope I keep doing it!


Jimmy said...

Hello, New College Student!

That's awesome. I started college when I was 28. It was the greatest feeling. Of course, I'm 35 and still working my way through, but never say die, right?

That sounds like a great schedule, although pretty challenging. I haven't registered for fall yet. My scheduling options are limited.

There's nothing like walking across the campus. I love it.

Heather said...

I tried college after high school. I figured, hey, I'm smart, right? 3.96 Gpa, 1450 on my SAT' should be easy!

Actually, it was a disaster. I ended my first year with a 1.9. Intelligence means nothing without discipline, and that's a lesson it's taken me 5 years to learn.

I'll be 24 when I start classes. I have no idea where I'm going to finish. Hopefully VT, but that's so far down the road. I've been on the VT campus plenty of times, since my husband was a student before he was my husband, and I want with all my heart to be a student there....but I gotta get the grades first!

And I'll tell you what, I know plenty of people who are slowly working their way thru college. Like my profile says, my personal philosophy includes always asking yourself, "What can I learn today?". It's never too late to learn something new.

Where do you go?

Jimmy said...

I'm at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. I going for a double major in English and Creative Writing at the Writer's Workshop.

It's interesting to see some of the younger kids in my classes pissing it all away. They think they're so cool and funny. I think they're pathetic, but I can't say much since I was the same. I wish I could talk to them, but they wouldn't listen. I wouldn't have either. Just have to each find our own way, I guess.

Unknown said...

I wasted it. I had the grades, I got accepted with financial aid to go to George Mason University. I didn't go. The option is no longer there.

No, they don't listen. Well, mostly. Some do. I was giving two youngsters the advantage of my 40+ years of fuck-up just tonight. Maybe they'll hear. They listened, but hearing is the key.

However, I'm very glad that you are accepted and have your schedule and that it's looking good.

Heather said...

Jimmy said...I wish I could talk to them, but they wouldn't listen. I wouldn't have either. Just have to each find our own way, I guess.

You're absolutely right, you know. I'm just glad my way no longer includes frat parties and getting puking drunk with an 8am class the next morning...not that there were many of those (hell, there weren't many parties, wasn't my scene), but I have the "advantage of age" (ha) to keep me on the right path this time. Last time, I was distracted by a guy, and had my priorities mixed up. This time, there's no stopping me! :)

P.S. Fletch, my beautiful god of computer geeks, can you tell me why my HTML tags won't close?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Hey, Jorgus!

You may only use alimited number of tags. You must opsn them before the words and close them after like so:

< b > word < /b >

But don't but spaces between the angle brackets and the letter. I did that so it would print and not process. Then you will see: word

Heather said...

Damn you backspace!!!!!

Okay, I think I've got it now. See? See me with my tags! Yay!


Unknown said...

Woo! Look at the tags on the jorgus redhead!

Jimmy said...

Intelligence means nothing without discipline.

That's brilliant. I'm going to add that to my stone tablet.

Heather said...

Thank you, Jimmy. It's always nice to know we can reach out and touch the world, make some difference, no matter how small.