Tuesday, May 16


Yes, they are rats. Baby is a hairless, and Briea is a hairless albino. She was my first. Cayla was meant as a friend for Briea, but they didn't get along very well. Baby I adopted from a customer who thought her 9-year old daughter could take care of her by herself. Yeah, right. My other three are Mona, a year-old white rat with a gray head and gray stripe down her back, adopted from a co-worker who's going to have a baby, and Sam and Ralph, black hooded white and black respectively. I adopted them from another co-worker who couldn't keep up with four rats, a ferret and a cockatiel. I also have two mice that I'm trying to breed, since I'm planning on getting a hatchling corn snake soon and I don't want to have to buy all its food. I would like to have pictures of all of them up eventually, but unfortunately I found out a camera phone takes horrible pictures and my regular film takes about a week and half, since I'm sending it off to Snapfish.com. More to come!


Unknown said...

Not to self: H&C need a digital camera. Canon EOS (SLR) Rebel XT is nice.

Heather said...

All right!

Chris says he wants a D-20. You know, so he can take the good pictures. He wants to take photography classes and be professional and all, you know.

Jimmy said...

I thought they might be rats, but I hated to guess rats in case that was wrong and the idea of keeping rats as pets was bizarre which it isn't.

I'll bet my kids would get a kick out of them, but my cat probably wouldn't get along with them, ha.