Monday, August 21

I'm glad I'm still alive

Has anyone seen the news story about the manhunt in Blacksburg, VA?

This guy was on my porch early Sunday morning.

Here's what happened: I live right behind the hospital. Around 3:00 or 3:30 Sunday morning, I heard something moving in my front yard. I turned on the porch light and looked out, but didn't see anything. At about 9:00 in the morning, I'm awakened to the sound of someone banging on my door. It's two deputies, complete with flak jackets and carbines, telling me there's an escaped inmate and their bloodhound tracked him up on my front porch. They came in and searched the house, ducking around corners in formation and shit like you see in the movies, but of course they didn't find anything. I was home alone at the time, Chris and Andy were in NC, but as soon as I called them they headed home. They checked with the local police and found out this guy had killed someone escaping the hospital, a security guard, and this morning he killed a cop. Now he's charged with capital murder.

I hope you fucking fry, you scumbag.


Unknown said...

Thanks for answering your com-link when I called. I was worried even before I knew the details.

If I were the nagging type, I'd insist you call me every day until this maggot is caught.

Hrm, maybe I am the nagging type...


Jimmy said...

Holy f*cking shit. I'm so glad you're alright. My heart was pounding reading that.

I'm glad he got caught. He just looks like a neanderthal.

If memory serves, Virginia is a fry 'em state, correct?

*sighing with relief*

Heather said...

Thanks, guys. It's funny, it didn't seem like a big deal at the time, although the sight of a deputy with a HUGE gun on my front porch was a little odd...

And yes, Jimmy, I believe you're right, we are a fry 'em state. Serves him right.

Heather said...

By the way...the Roanoke Times found this post, and used it in a news article about the reactions of the community. Check it out, guys, I'm famous!


Jimmy said...

Priceless! You even had the ending quote!

So, you're famous now . . . does that make us your entourage?

Anonymous said...

Do you need a boytoy? I think that I'm available. :)


Heather said...

Jimmy: You can only be in my entourage if you know how to make authentic hot cocoa (not from a packet) and all the words to Devil Went Down to Georgia. Oh, and I need a good rubdown every now and then.

Fletcher: When Jimmy's done with my rubdown, you can take over.


Jimmy said...

I will learn how to make authentic cocoa. I could almost do "The Devil" backwards, so no problem there.

Tag-team rubdowns? Boy, you do know how to party, but it is very diva-like of you, so that's appropriate, considering your new celebrity status.

Davis said...

Time to buy that Glock you've had your eye on.........

Seriously, lucky you. Glad to know you are safe

Heather said...

It's funny you should mention that, roommate is seriously considering a shotgun. Although, he was also considering a rifle with a silencer to hunt deer from the front porch, so I really don't know how serious he is. Maybe I should learn karate...Haiiiiya!


Anonymous said...

You are a warrior princess! You will learn the swwwwoooorddd!
