Wednesday, November 29

Thanksgiving, and other things

I registered for my spring classes today. Second semester of everything I'm taking now - biology, chemistry, calculus, and US history - plus an added bonus...a class in backpacking! Since my goal after finishing college is to hike the entire AT with Chris, this seems like a great idea. Give me the necessary background and all that. If I have an A average in my chem class by Dec. 11, I will not have to take the final. Since it's the only one I'm worried about, this bodes well for my chances at a 4.0 this semester, which bodes REALLY well for my chances at successfully transferring to VT next fall.

Thanksgiving was....interesting. Not bad, but strange. It's hard to explain. As I become an adult, I'm having to reevaluate my relationships with family, and reinterpret our interactions. A lot of issues to deal with, issues that I've never even fully articulated to myself, let alone tried to deal with. I think, given time, everything will work itself out. Some things right now, though, still seem awkward.

I'm not ready to have a dog yet, especially one that only wants your undivided attention 24/7. Yet that's what we were left with when Andy left for Cali. Don't get me wrong, I love this dog (and, since Thanksgiving, so does my family). He's smart, beautiful, and attentive. I just wish I had more time to give. As much as I'd like to have my own dog, raised from a puppy, I won't even consider it until I know I can give it the time and attention it deserves. Since I'm not planning on having kids for another few years yet, I don't think this will be a problem.

I have an appointment to give blood in about ten minutes. I may come back and add to this, I may not. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.



Defiantly Damned said...

Wow, Heather! You're doing fantastic! I'm envious... I could never have done so well taking all those classes together. Very impressive. You have a great future ahead of you. Nice job!

Heather said...

Wow, thank you :)

It doesn't even feel like I'm doing anything fantastic, which may just be because I'm basically taking High School 2.0 right now, but something tells me it's not going to be much harder as I go. Maybe I'm just being optimistic. But then again...maybe not.


Anonymous said...

No, you are smart. I've seen your brain. You'll make it and not even be winded. Maybe breathing deep, that's all. :)
