Wednesday, October 24

Okay, okay....

Alright already, I'm updating!

Everything is fine. (You know what fine stands for, don't you? Fucked Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional...) Seriously though, even though life's not perfect (when is it ever?), things are going well. I'm now six months pregnant and getting big enough to have trouble sitting down and standing up again. My classes are getting a bit more challenging. I'm considering going to the Dean of Students and asking for some leniency on my exam times - I had an exam this morning that was hell to get through, 50 minutes of almost continuous writing with the baby poking me in the ribs every few minutes. Class isn't so bad, I can take a break from notes every so often and stretch out, but it's much harder to do during an exam. 15 minutes extra would give me the chance to get up and stretch for a minute if I need to. Baby found a spot about a week ago just under my left breastbone that it seems to favor, and ever since it's been up in there at least once a day. Depending on what I'm doing, the feeling ranges anywhere from mildly uncomfortable to downright painful, and the only thing that (usually) helps is lying down on my right side and hoping gravity will dislodge the little heathen!

It's turning cold here, and today it rained, the first real rain we've had in months, which is good. We've been going through a pretty heavy drought all summer. I've been feeling a little bit of the cold weather blues, as usual this time of year, but I'm working through it as best I can.

And that's about all I have for you today, friends and neighbors! The day-to-day stuff doesn't seem very interesting to me, I's just, you know, every day stuff. So...later!! ;)


Unknown said...

I'm used to having a lump for a tummy. But if it started moving around, I'd be... nonplussed. :)

It;s Autumn and the weather is cooling. My favourite time of year. I'm thinking happy, high-energy non-blues thoughts at you!



Defiantly Damned said...

Heather, where are you? We miss you in the blogosphere and are hoping all is well with you and baby. Hope to hear from you soon!