Friday, June 2

56 days

56 days. Every day it gets a little harder. I'm going to have to start packing soon, I'd hate to wait until the last minute again. Hell, half of this stuff I don't even want to take with me. I bought a 30 gallon tank and a stand last night. Now I"m just waiting on the corn snake I want to start eating on his own. He's a hatchling. Very cute. One of our customers has a three week old kitten she wants to get rid of when it's old enough. Black with a long tail, exactly the kind I want. I told her to call me at the end of July if she still had it. I also want a siamese, but I doubt I'll stumble across one for free like I did with this kitten. I'm not getting any more pet rats. They're adorable, but I'm not really a small animal kind of person. I love reptiles, always have. Moving's going to be a bitch, what with all the animals, and my plants. Oh, yeah, forgot about the fish. That's not a big deal, though. One betta and one feeder fish in a 2.5 gallon tank.

There's a knock at my door. Holy shit, Bonnaroo tickets are here! Two weeks from now, we'll be in Manchester, TN. No work, no worries for a whole weekend. I might even be able to find some decent weed, enough to last me until we move out of this hellhole. It'll be good to be around good vibes again, even if it is just for a few days. Andy's going to be there. I don't know who's coming with him, probably someone I know, but possibly not. This is shaping up to be a rockin' good time!


Jimmy said...

A corn snake, a kitten and good weed could be a disastrous combination, ha.

Unknown said...

Actually, I was thinking, "Poor rats!".

This means that in approximately 60 days, I shall get to see bonnie Heather once again.

I'm a lucky puck!