Friday, May 16

Three-month checkup

School's out! I finished two classes this semester with A's in both and a 3.88 overall GPA for the year. How I managed it while simultaneously learning to be a mom is beyond me, but I must be doing something right!

Dylan is now three months and ten days old, well over fifteen pounds, grabbing his toys with a fair degree of accuracy, vocalizing like crazy, and generally charming the hell out of everyone he meets :) Here are some pictures:

What big eyes you have!

Hangin' wit my homey!

What a big smile!

Sitting up well, but not yet on his own

There really isn't much to say as far as his development....he's a baby, doing baby things, you know? He takes up most of my time and I'm constantly behind on everything I want to accomplish, but I don't mind. I'm pretty patient.

Until next time...

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