Thursday, July 6

Kindred Spirit

I don't browse blogs. Not because I don't care, or because I think I already have enough friends, but mostly because I don't have time. All of my new friends, up until now, have been found through existing friends. But a few nights ago, whilst browsing for the first time, I came across the most astounding thing...

This girl reminds me so much of myself it's scary. I've read everything, all 3+ years of posts about life, love and finding yourself, and I just can't believe how closely some of her experiences mirror my own. Fletch, you can attest to this, you were there for most of it...

On a related note, another blog of interest was linked from this new one, and I recommend it to everyone reading this. I haven't gotten very far yet, but this woman is (was?) homeless and living in her car, and blogging from the local library. She's well educated and literate, and her story is captivating.

Thank you, Vicky, for sharing yourself with the rest of the world. You may think your story is boring and pointless, or maybe you know better by now, but it's very comforting to know that no matter where you live, who you know, or what your circumstances are, human experience is universal.


Anonymous said...

Wow :)

Defiantly Damned said...

I, too, have started reading the WanderingScribe blog and find her story fascinating. I've added her blog to my growing list of links as well and feel honored to have it there.

There, but for the Grace of God, go I.

Heather, thanks for sharing your terrific find with us.

Unknown said...

The recent bits I've read are interesting and I feel a similiar...musical key? cadence?

I think the important observation is the common experiences shared by two people an ocean apart.

We'd do well to remember that, out in the world. :/


Heather said...

Vicky: Welcome to the nuthouse, darling. I'm glad you found your way. Pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable!

Defiant: You're welcome. Although really you should thank Vicky, since I found the link through her. Apparently this woman's been offered a book deal. I shall wait with bated breath...

Fletcher: You noticed that too? Good, that means I wasn't imagining it, or projecting. And, since I can still hear your voice in my head, I assume you can do the same, so I will trust you.


wanderingScribe said...

More info about Wandeingscribe is available at

You owe it to yourself to get ALL teh facys.

Hugs ....

Heather said...

I allowed the previous post to be published because I believe that everyone has the right to their opinion. However, I caution all of you that while this person obviously feels that WanderingScribe is misleading her readers for the sole purpose of getting a book deal, I have read over both blogs, and this person is as guilty of misleading his readers as he claims Anya (the real WS) to be.

One example: From his post on 09 June:
And is it just me or is the standard of English grammar plummeting of late on her site? That's what watching Big Brother will do for ya. Still it was good of her to force herself to watch Big Brother to "re-socialise" (whatever the hell that means). If she thinks that the freak show on Channel 4 is a measure of how you behave in company then her mental state is even more fragile than we first thought

Now, from WanderingScribe post 09 June:
Last night I had the place to myself for the whole evening and forced myself to watch Big Brother, to kind of re-socialise myself into living indoors, and with others again. Not sure it is a good idea to sit night after night staring at a collection of people cooped up in a house going mad.

Now, considering that it's established that she's now living in a flat with other people, I took this to mean she was watching a show that her flatmates watch, even though it's not something she might watch on her own. Or, maybe she assumes that most people watch it, since I"m sure it gets the same kind of media hype over there that it does here. Maybe I'm misreading?

Like I said, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm not taking a stance on who's actually right here, and I'm not trying to start a debate. I'm just stating my opinion about this particular piece of propaganda, and invite the rest of you to pop on over to this anti-WS site and also decide for yourself.