Wednesday, July 19

Why should I have to title these things?

Saturday night, while I was in Atlanta, I got a call from a friend at work. She'd been checking all the reptiles for water, and apparently my corn snake turned up dead. Sad, really, but if it was that unhealthy this early in the game, maybe it was for the best. We got a new corn snake in, though, a hatchling blood corn, who is now on hold for me.

Sorry about the poor quality, but I was using a camera phone.

The moving company manager came by this morning to do an estimate. He was really nice, and he told me that his company has moved 8 different generals in the past 6 years because of their reputation. I'm feeling much better about this move.


Unknown said...

My sister has a corn snake! Or her girlfriend does. Same thing.

Tell Jimmy how you have to put the pinkies in the blender to feed it. he thinks that is cool.

Moving, moving , moving! Rah!


Anonymous said...

sorry you lost the first little guy, this one looks cool. I would love to have some "cage or aquarium dwelling creature" but I just don't have to time to take care of another living thing, bwtween 2 dogs and all the humans, I just can't. When Sydney gets older though she wants her own little pet, I'm all for it!

Good luck with the move, it will all be done before you know it :)

Heather said...

Pinky Cocktail

2 week-old pinkies, previously frozen, thawed
1/8 tsp. powdered calcium supplement
dash of salt and pepper to taste

In a food processer (a blender would be WAY too big), combine all ingredients. Process until well blended. Pour into small dish and place in snake cage. Take a flooglebinder off a pair of old shoelaces and place where the snake can easily drink from it. If you're feeling creative, you can add a small paper umbrella, and give your snake a party hat.


Heather said...

Kristen, I know what you mean (instictively, at least, since I have neither dogs nor kids), but the great thing about reptiles, and snakes especially, is they don't require a lot of care...attention to detail yes, since they have to have the right heat/humidity, but snakes only have to be fed once a week, and they shouldn't be handled every day, only every few days, or not even that much if you don't want to. I'm glad to hear that Sydney is looking forward to a pet of her own...she's, what, 4? 5? Working in a pet store has taught me how important it is to have a variety of pets, especially with children, and I think the more animals you can expose them to at an early age, the better. My dad was catching snakes in his backyard and giving them to my sister and me to play with when we were about Sydney's age (don't worry, he knew what they were...nothing dangerous!) and I've been in love with them ever since.

Jimmy said...
